The showy, reddish spring flowers on Black Huckleberry give way to delicious blue-black fruits, ripe for the picking all summer long.
Birds and mammals also go for the berries, which bear a resemblance to blueberries, and bees and other pollinators enjoy the nectar. Black Huckleberry also is a larval host to Henry's Elfin.
The berries are edible raw or cooked, making Black Huckleberry a great choice as a hedge or addition to a food forest.
Huckleberry, Black
2 Gallons
Out of Stock
- Latin: Gaylussacia baccata
- Pollinator value: High
- Family: Ericaceae (blueberry)
- Height: 3 to 5 feet high and wide
- Light: Full sun to part shade
- Soil: Sandy or rocky
- Bloom: Reddish pink, urn shaped, April-June
- Foliage: Orange, red fall
- Landscape: Landscape, garden, naturalized area
- Resistance: Drought
- Native range here