Remember the old seersucker suit? Now there's a sedge to match. The foliage on Plantain-leaf Sedge has that same crinkled look, and that's why it's also called Seersucker Sedge.
The leaves are wide and green with a tinge of burgundy and with spikes of purplish-brownish, showy flowers emerging in spring before the leaves come out.
Plantain-leaf Sedge makes a great groundcover for a shady spot, and it looks great as a border for steps or walkways. Try pairing it with Foamflower and Coral Bells.
Plantain-leaf Sedge
1 Quart
We expect this plant to be ready by June
- Latin: Carex plantaginea
- Height: 1 foot tall and wide
- Spacing: 12 inches
- Light: Part to full shade
- Soil: Medium, moist
- Bloom: Small, purplish summer flowers
- Foliage: Evergreen
- Landscape: Groundcover for a shade garden, border, erosion control
- Resistance: Deer
- Native range here