Arrowwood Viburnum is a larval host for the Baltimore Checkerspot and other butterfly species, and the Green Marvel, Pink Prominent and dozens of other moth caterpillars also feed on the leaves. Robins and other birds love Arrowwood, and it provides special value to native bees.
In spring, large bunches of creamy white flower bloom all over the shrub, showy against the green foliage. Summer berries ripen to brilliant blue, and fall color ranges from yellow to red.
A rounded, multi-stemmed shrub, Arrowwood is hardy and easy to grow.
Fun fact: Native Americans reportedly used the straight stems to make arrows.
Viburnum, Arrowwood
2 Gallons
- Latin: Viburnum dentatum
- Pollinator value: Very High
- Family: Viburnaceae
- Wetland status: FACW
- Mature height: 6-10 feet high and wide, vase shaped
- Light: Sun or part shade
- Soil: Well-drained, medium
- Bloom: white, spring
- Berries: blue, summer (two or more for fruit)
- Leaf: Deciduous, yellow, orange, red fall
- Landscape: Garden, Hedge, Privacy Screen
- Tolerates: Clay, deer, black walnut
- More information and native range here