A beautiful tree, American Larch is one of those rare conifers that loses its leaves in winter. Those soft, blue-green summer needles turn a brilliant orange-yellow in fall.
Larch grows naturally in moist, sunny areas where winters are cold and summers are cool. Its cones--the smallest of the Eastern conifers at about a half-inch--are either male or female, growing on different branches on the same tree. The most impressive are the females, larger and red, hanging on all winter.
Larch is a larval host to several butterfly and moth species, and songbirds use it for nesting.
For more on Larch read our blog here.
American Larch
5 Gallons
- Latin: Larix laricina
- Height: 40-60 feet (up to 80'); 15- to 30-foot spread
- Light: Full sun
- Soil: Moist, well-drained
- Bloom: n/a
- Foliage: Deciduous conifer; yellow fall
- Fruit: Cones, red female cones
- Native range here