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     This stately and hardy evergreen is the Northeast’s largest conifer, which in the wild can reach more than 100 feet.  It has a distinctive, plum-like outline, with branches that grow horizontal and in tiers making it a popular Christmas tree.


     White Pine produces feathery clusters of light- to blue-green needles and cones of 6 to 8 inches.  Wildlife love White Pine.  It is a larval host to the Imperial and dozens of other butterfly and moth species.  Birds feed on its seeds and nest in its branches.


     White Pine makes a great hedge or windscreen.  It tolerates a wide range of soil conditions but does not thrive in urban conditions or tolerate air pollution.


     Fun fact: White Pine was the most valuable commodity of the early settlers and by the 1700s the most sought-after tree in the world. To protect the White Pine from complete devastation New York created the Adirondack Park in the 1890s.


     1st Photo: Tree planting near Sassaquin Pond, New Bedford, Mass., by Chancery Perks.

White Pine

5 Gallons
    • Latin: Pinus strobus
    • Pollinator value: Medium (wind)
    • Wetland status: FACU
    • Height: 50 to 80 feet, with a 20 to 40-foot spread (taller in the wild)
    • Growth rate: Fast (more than 24 inches per year)
    • Light: Full sun to part shade
    • Soil: Dry to moist, sandy or rocky
    • Bloom: Cones, once the tree reaches 8 to 10 years
    • Foliage: Blue-green, soft, evergreen
    • Landscape uses: Specimen, hedge, native plant garden
    • Resistance: Deer (moderate), rabbits
    • More information and native range here
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