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     Wouldn't we all love to bring back the American Chestnut?  Straight-species American Chestnut trees, which these are, likely will reach heights of 20 to 30 feet before evidence of the blight--a fungal disease probably introduced in the United States in the late-1800s--takes hold. 


     There are no 100% American Chestnut trees that are blight resistant, although some nurseries will claim theirs are.  


     A tremendous effort is underway by the American Chestnut Foundation to bring back this iconic tree, which once numbered in the billions in the Eastern forests.


     Our seedlings are from chestnuts provided by the American Chestnut Foundation, although they are 100% American.  Our seedlings from two different trees, and you need one of each for fruit.


     Chestnut Trees are invaluable for wildlife.  They serve as a butterfly and moth larval host and provide food and shelter for birds and animals, as they did, in their time, for indigenous people.


     More information on the American Chestnut can be found in Richard Powers' The Overstory and this New York Times article.

American Chestnut

2 Gallons
We expect this plant to be ready by June
    • Latin: Castanea dentata
    • Pollinator value: Medium. 
    • Mature Height: Maybe 30 feet; 70 to 100 in its heyday
    • Light: Sun or shade
    • Soil: Moist or dry
    • Bloom: Yellowish, summer
    • Landscape: Specimen
    • Challenges: Chestnut blight
    • Native range here

Tree Talk Natives

163 Vaughan Hill Road

Rochester, MA 02770 

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