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     Carolina Silverbell is among the most beautiful of the ornamental trees, native to the Southeast and hardy throughout much of New England.  


     Carolina Silverbell features showy, pinkish bell-shaped flowers in drooping clusters in spring, and it blooms reliably every year.  Its leaves appear just after the flowers and turn a pretty yellow in fall, sometimes dropping early.


     Its fruit, a brownish drupe, is even showy, providing winter interest.


     Carolina Silverbell grows anywhere between 10 and 40 feet tall, and it's easy to grow in full sun to part shade.  In really dry summers it may need extra water.


     In addition to Hummingbirds, Carolina Silverbell attracts bees and butterflies, and it is a host for the Eastern Tiger Swallowtail, Mourning Cloak and several other butterflies.  


     While Carolina Silverbell is not considered native to New England, we are offering it as a substitute for Kousa Dogwood and other non-native trees.  For more on why we're carrying Carolina Silverbell, read our blog on dogwoods here.

Carolina Silverbell

3 Gallons
    • Latin: Halesia carolina
    • Family: Styracaceae
    • Height: 30-40 feet; 20- to 30-foot spread
    • Light: Sun to part shade (best)
    • Soil: Medium, well drained
    • Bloom: White, April or May
    • Foliage: Yellow fall, may drop early
    • Fruit: Brown capsules
    • Landscape: Woodland garden, lawn specimen
    • Native range here

Tree Talk Natives

163 Vaughan Hill Road

Rochester, MA 02770 

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