Clustered Mountain Mint is the most adorable of all the mountain mints. Its white flowers appear in July and August against blue-green foliage. The flowers often are spotted with purple and arranged in small, dense clusters.
When crushed, Clustered Mountain Mint emits a strong minty aroma and can be used to make tea, Mojito and other drinks, and as a garnish for lemonade.
Clustered Mountain Mint is a low-maintenance plant and falls in the category: Any Idiot Can Grow This Plant. Caveat: it's an aggressive spreader and best when given room to roam or fill in an area.
It's great near a vegetable garden to pull in the pollinators. I keep it in a pot near my garden so I have the plant but it's not taking over.
In addition to bees, Clustered Mountain Mint attracts butterflies and songbirds, beetles and wasps.
Fun fact: The leaves are inticingly fragrant and minty when crushed.
Photos: Creative Commons
Mountain Mint, Clustered
- Latin: Pycnanthemum muticum
- Pollinator value: Very High
- Height: 1 to 3 feet
- Spacing: 18-24 inches
- Light: Full sun
- Soil: Moist
- Landscape: Borders, herb and butterfly gardens, naturalized areas
- Pair with: Wild Bergamot, Sweet Joe Pye Weed
- Resistance: Deer
- Native range here