Lowbush Blueberry features beautiful urn-shaped spring blooms in hues of pink and white followed by summer berries and outstanding red and purple fall foliage.
Lowbush also offers winter interest with twiggy stems that turn shades of yellow and red. It makes a great low hedge in a sunny to shady spot with good drainage. The more bushes together, the better the harvest!
Lowbush Blueberry attracts butterflies and native bees, and it is a larval host for the Pawpaw Sphinx and other moth species.
Blueberry, Lowbush
1 Gallon
- Latin: Vaccinium angustifolium
- Pollinator value: Very High
- Height: 2-3 feet high and wide
- Light: Full sun to shade
- Soil: Well drained, acidic
- Bloom: White spring flowers; summer berries, edible
- Foliage, red-purple fall
- Landscape: Butterfly garden, patio, walkways
- Native range here